The Knowledge of the Forever Time – Part 7
A hidden connection to virtually every sacred site on earth has been discovered. But in our world, religious history can dictate whether a discovery is considered worthy of further study or the work of the devil. The information in this film is no exception. You are about to see knowledge, unlike anything you have seen before. This is the age of reason and enlightenment and this is invitation #7.
The Knowledge of the Forever Time – Part 6
This program opens a dark ancient alien chapter in our human history, "The Black Knight Satellite." The Black Knight Satellite, now in Earth's orbit, is said to be more than 13,000 years old and yet new knowledge reveals it to be much older and much deadlier than we could have ever imagined. Some believe that the appearance of this satellite may be linked to the future destruction of planet Earth.
The Knowledge of the Forever Time – Part 5
From the sacred knowledge of pyramidal structures around the world to the unmasking of the origins of extraterrestrial aliens, this program reveals one of the greatest mysteries of all time, the location of the Stargate, an ancient technology that connects all of the great civilizations in the cosmos and makes interstellar space travel between planets and galaxies possible.
The Knowledge of the Forever Time – Part 4
This is the story of the Prometheus Stone. For over 100,000 thousand years they have held the secrets of human life on Earth, and now we can finally read them. Within each stone is the knowledge of Immortality. Scientists have only dreamed of immortality, yet this knowledge has been here on Earth since the dawn of time. Damon T. Berry presents another chapter of The Knowledge of The Forever Time.
The Knowledge of the Forever Time – Part 3
This movie presents a totally new novel perspective about the Extraterrestrial presence now engaging the planet Earth, as well as our place in the Universe. This film reveals an amazing connection between the UFO's and our world, and understanding this alone will completely change the way we see our past. History books will need to be rewritten and life on Earth will never be the same.
The Knowledge of the Forever Time – Part 2
Upon the walls of ancient caves is the greatest story never told on this earth. 50,000-year-old cave paintings contain a sophisticated warning and every painting is telling us the same thing, that our world is coming to an end. In addition, these cave paintings actually tell us how to save ourselves. Now, these ancient voices can be heard again and teach the living.
The Knowledge of the Forever Time – Part 1
The Great Pyramid of Egypt on the Giza plateau is considered one of the greatest enigmas in the world. Filmmaker Damon T. Berry unveils the Great Pyramid of Egypt in a way that no one ever has before. Archaeologist, Scientists, and Egyptologists may have to abandon all that they have learned. This program presents lost knowledge of an extraterrestrial connection to our ancient past.
Dimensions Explained
As the Age of Aquarius approaches there is an increasing urgency to this message because we're all, literally, running out of time to play in the third dimension. In simple terms, the habit of thinking and feeling and behaving that we know of as the third dimension is going away.
Love the Lord your God with All your Heart
Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind." This is the first and greatest commandment. The second is
Shamanic Physics
Shamans see the world as made up of vibrations, using resonance between individuals to effect healing. In Part One of this two-part series, Fred Alan Wolf discusses his efforts to explain shamanic realities