Joyce Meyer - The Mind
Joyce Meyer – The Mind

One of my favorite preachers of God’s Word has to be Joyce Meyer of Joyce Meyer Ministries. Joyce is a humorous, bold Charismatic Christian author who shares with her audience her own shortcomings and life’s trials. Sexually abused throughout her teenage years by her father, Joyce eventually managed to put these devastating memories behind her with the help of God.

Today, Joyce Meyer Ministries is involved in an international outreach helping people all over the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In the following videos, Joyce speaks about “The Mind”. Essentially it all starts with the mind; what we think about is who we are.

“The mind is our biggest problem,
the mind is our battlefield,
what we think is what we say,
what we say becomes an attitude,
and our attitudes become our moods…”

Joyce Meyer – The Mind – Part 1

Joyce Meyer – The Mind – Part 2


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