At Death
At Death

What happens at the time of death? Where does the life force go? What is the transformation?

According to Eckhart Tolle death is a disillusion of form. The eternal life in us can not be touched by death.

What exactly happens is dependent on the predominant stage of consciousness you had in this lifetime. If your identification with form was still there and the awakening had not happened, there will be further identification with form (reincarnation). If there had already been disidentification with form and awakening had happened in this lifetime then you can infer that the compulsion to seek further experiences through identifying with form will be much weaker or be completely absent in which case the conciseness that you are is no longer bound to this realm; you will no longer seek to experience further identification with form and so will be able to move on into a realm that we can’t even conceive of with our minds (perhaps heaven).

Eckhart Tolle continues to explain that “Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God”.

The important thing to remember about Eckhart’s message is that “ALL IS WELL“.

There is no such thing as death. Death is merely a transition from one form into another form or from one form into formlessness.


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